The importance of habits + 7 habits to reduce stress

“The secret to success is found in your daily routine.” - John Maxwell

The tricky thing about transformation is that you can’t always see when it’s happening, so it’s only natural for us to think that big, extreme transformations must require big, extreme efforts.

But that’s not really how transformation works. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When you break it down, dramatic transformations are the result of small, seemingly insignificant actions that you repeat on a daily basis - also known as your daily habits.

You can think of transformation like planting a seed in your garden.

You plant a seed, give it water, give it sun, and give it the richest soil possible, but nothing happens for quite a while. Every day, you step outside to check on your seedling, and still, no plant. It’s hard to believe that anything is happening at all, and you might even feel frustrated or discouraged. But you keep on, day after day, watering & nurturing & giving the plant what it needs to thrive, until one day, a sprouts pops up from beneath the soil. 

All this time, there was so much happening underneath the surface that you couldn’t see. And now, the plant is showing visible growth.

Transforming your mental & physical health is the same idea. Your goal is the seed, and your daily habits are the water, sunlight & soil.  Small, simple, repetitive, and seemingly insignificant actions will one day produce something tangible - a sprout.

Habits are the foundation of change, so today I’d like to share healthy habits to reduce stress + some tips on mastering the art of habits. I believe that the body & mind are connected, so to achieve optimal physical health, you must also take care of your mental health, and vice versa.

Below are 10 daily habits to relieve stress and cultivate more calm in your daily life, plus 3 tips to make any habit last.

1) Find a few minutes of stillness each day.

Meditation is the most obvious way to bring about mental stillness, but it that feels like too much for you, or you have trouble sitting still, you can try simply being present for a few minutes every day. Going for a walk and leaving your phone at home is a great option. As you walk, notice the trees, the sun, the textures & colors, the neighbors living their lives. The goal is to give the thinking mind a break from all the things you think about on a daily basis, because your brain needs rest just like anything else. If you don’t consciously turn off the thinking tap, you will continue to think & think, which does not help to relieve stress, anxiety or overwhelm.

2) Learn something new that excites you.

Spend a few minutes a day practicing or learning something that lights you up and brings you joy. An instrument, gardening, learning a new language, sewing, reading a personal development book… anything that makes you feel good and stimulates your curiosity + creativity. This keeps you mentally sharp and brings about feelings of satisfaction & accomplishment, which can in turn help to relieve stress & anxiety.

Is there a hobby or a skill you’d like to learn? Something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t found the time? I bet you find that as years go by, you’re left wondering why you can never seem to get that thing accomplished. The answer is because you haven’t yet made it into a habit.

3) Write it out.

There’s something powerful about putting pen to paper. It brings completion to incomplete thoughts or feelings, and brings clarity to things that otherwise feel foggy or scattered. Each morning, write down something you’re grateful for, some things you NEED to get done that day (ie work things, errands, obligations), and a few things that you’d LIKE to do (workout class, bath, read a chapter).

If you’re somebody who gets anxious at night, write a list of your priorities for the next day before you go to bed. This will reduce anxiety & stress levels for the next day, and help you sleep deeper.

4) Rewire your negative thoughts.

Your internal dialogue plays a big role in your mental wellness. You see, many people think that by punishing themselves, they’ll be disciplined to change… or that by pointing out everything that’s wrong in a situation, they’ll find a way to make it better. But this actually has the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve. By having harsh thoughts, you will feel negative emotions, which will make you less motivated to take action. Positive, kind thoughts will give you the energy & motivation you need to keep going. So pay attention to the way you talk to yourself & your body - it’s important.

You can start healing your inner dialogue by making a habit of positive affirmations, writing down things you’re grateful for, and replacing negative thoughts with positive, empowering ones. Make this a daily practice, and just watch how much happier & calmer you begin to feel.

5) Reduce screen time.

I know you’ve heard this one a million times, but I’m reiterating it here because it truly is so important. You don’t need to delete social media entirely, but you can definitely benefit from having a more mindful relationship with it. One tip is to move instagram into a folder, on the 3rd or 4th page of your home screen, so that it’s not the first thing you see when you open your phone. This tip is so simple, but you’ll be shocked at how much this reduces your impulse to scroll!

You’ll also want to give yourself some time without screens before bed. Sleep is so important for mind + body, and screens are not your friend when it comes to good quality sleep or reducing stress & overwhelm. If you need something entertaining to wind down, try audiobooks or podcasts instead of TV or scrolling. Look for a calming genre, like romance or self help, to promote feelings of peace & calm that will help you drift off.

6) Consume uplifting media.

While we’re on the topic of social media, take stock of who you’re following, the shows you watch, the podcasts you listen to, and how much news you consume, as this increase stress & anxiety levels. I’m not saying you can’t ever watch scary movies or indulge in reality TV, but aim for 90% of your media consumption to be stuff that makes you feel good, not stuff that brings you down. Do a cleanse of the people you follow and make your feed a positive, inspirational place. If you’re going to be scrolling, at least make it something that lights you up!

7) Make time for play.

Did you know that adults who practice play are happier, more creative, less stressed out, more youthful, and have healthier relationships? When is the last time you did something for pure fun? Or acted like a kid again? Or laughed so hard that you cried? Doing things for pure joy not only relieves stress, but it gives you fresh perspective, interrupts patterns of negativity, and makes seemingly big problems seem smaller & more manageable.

To build joy into your daily routine, ask yourself; when do you feel like your soul is at it’s happiest? What things make you smile from ear to ear? What sparks your joy & creativity? Do a little bit of that, every single day.

3 tips to master the art of habits

Now, you can’t water a plant for a few days and give up when nothing happens. You have to form these practices into a habit in order to truly feel the impact. The goal with forming habits is to make them automatic. You want to (and can!) get to a place where taking care of your mind + body is something you do without giving it much thought or effort - it’s almost like you do it on auto pilot. Eventually, you’ll get to a place where something feels off if you don’t nourish your body & mind, kind of like when you don’t brush your teeth.

Here are my tips for mastering habits & creating the most ideal routine for your life & goals. 

1) Start small.

The smaller the “jump” from your current routine, the better. For example, if you don’t move your body at all, you’re better off committing to a 5-10 minute walk every single day, not a 30 day intense fitness program.

Why? Because habits need repetition, and smaller “jumps” are easier to repeat. Don’t worry, you won’t be taking 5 minute walks forever - once the habit is established, you can start increasing the length/intensity.

2) Stack your new habit with an existing one.

For example, pair your morning coffee with a quick journal session to set your intention for the day, express gratitude, and write down some positive affirmations.

Why? By combining a new habit with an old one, you create a mental association, which makes it easier to remember and “stick.” It’s also more time-efficient to group healthy habits together.

3) Track your habits.

Unfortunately, it’s human nature to think we’re more consistent than we actually are. To get around that, create a visual chart for your habits and mark off each one every single day before you go to bed. Make tracking your habits a habit.

Why? Checking boxes feels good. Quite literally, it gives you a hit of dopamine, which makes your brain motivated to complete that same task tomorrow. 

Once you master the art of habits, it’s only a matter of time before your seeds turn into sprouts.

I hope this guide helps you cultivate a little more peace & calm in your daily life AND helps you master the art of creating healthy habits. Routines truly are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy mind is essential for a healthy body. So get excited about creating a dreamy daily routine that feels good and nourishes your body & your mind. You deserve it.


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