10 Easy Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle

avocado, avocado toast, healthy, healthy lifestyle, lifestyle, aesthetic

Drink more water

This one might seem obvious, but we’re starting off strong. Hydration is so essential for overall wellbeing. You probably know that we are made up of mostly water. BUT did you also know it helps with digestion, energizes us, reduces inflammation, and increases performance? H2O is vital for our wellbeing, and many people simply aren’t drinking enough of it. Some easy ways to get it in?


Buy a reusable water bottle and never let that thing leave your side.

Add lemon to make it more flavorful.

Drink a big glass first thing in the morning, so you start your day with a good habit.

Drink a glass after every bathroom break.

Insert a straw (it helps… trust me…)


Move daily

Again, we know exercise is good for us, and we all have different fitness goals. Shorter but more frequent, low-impact movements have been shown to do wonders for longevity and gut health. Moving your body in some way every day, especially if you’re sitting at a desk all day, is extremely important for overall health and wellbeing. Not only for physical health but mental health as well. It doesn’t have to be going to the gym or a new workout class daily. It can be taking a walk on a call, doing some stretches and sit-ups before bed, swimming, hiking, biking, whatever floats your boat and gets you moving.


Focus on protein, fat, and fiber at meals

Personally, following this rule has been a game-changer for my meals. It also makes it easier to build meals because you know exactly what to look for. Protein can be animal or plant-based. Maybe you add some wild-caught salmon to your plate (this is a bonus because you’re getting protein AND fat in one). Or perhaps you add chia seeds to your oatmeal in the morning. We also want to focus on healthy fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, and seeds. I add avocado to literally everything. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. Finally, fiber can look like adding flax or berries to smoothies, brussels sprouts to a salad, or quinoa to a buddha bowl (another bonus because you get protein in there too). Following this rule gives you a good guideline for meal building and ensures you get ample nutrients that keep you fuller for longer and fuel your body.


Follow the dirty dozen and clean fifteen

I get it, eating organic is not always attainable. It can be more expensive. Maybe they don’t have an organic option for what you want. Or maybe your local store simply doesn’t carry many organic products. Buying organic is important…. When you can. The easiest way to know what to prioritize when buying organic is by following the dirty dozen. These include:




Kale and Collard Greens







Bell Pepper




These are the products you should always try to buy organic. The Clean Fifteen, on the other hand, are the products that you can likely get away with buying conventional. These include:



Sweet Corn




Sweet Peas








Honeydew Melons



Another rule of thumb I use is anything with a thick peel is likely okay to buy conventional (avocados, cantaloupes, bananas) because you don’t eat the peel, and it protects the actual fruit/veggie.


Shop local 

Shopping local has a plethora of benefits. It’s good for you, good for the environment, and good for the people. Less distance to travel means fewer preservatives needed to keep the food fresh. It also means you’re supporting your local community and local farmers. And as for the environment, less fuel is used to transport the items. There are several ways to shop locally. Check your local groceries stores for locally made products, head to the local farmers market each week, or become a member of a CSA. It’s easier than it looks, and you actually often get more produce for cheaper than buying in a conventional market chain.


Practice sleep hygiene

Sleep, in my opinion, is like water and movement – we all know it’s good for us, but not everyone knows exactly how to get more of it. We don’t always prioritize it. Sleep hygiene is basically the practice of certain routines and rituals each night before bed to set yourself up for success. It can look like avoiding screens after the sun goes down, having some herbal tea, or reading a relaxing book. It also includes going to bed around the same time every night and waking up around the same time every morning. It’s really quite simple, and once you get into the routine, you won’t have to think twice about it. For more information on sleep, hygiene see my post here.


Nurture your relationships

Relationships are a central part of health and wellness. We are creatures of connections. Our relationships begin from the moment we are born, and regardless if you’re an introvert or extrovert, we all need connection and meaningful relationships in our life. Health is about more than our physical body. It’s about our mind as well. Be sure to prioritize the significant relationships in your life. Nurture and care for them. Without them, we are more stressed, longing for friendship, love, bonding, whatever it may be. Our attachment style significantly impacts this. And getting to know yourself helps you understand others. Finally, the most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves. We need to nurture that one as well. Self-care and self-love are vital. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Prioritize self-care

I mentioned it in the last one but prioritizing self-care is another crucial component of wellbeing. Stress is a chronic condition. And it’s prevalent. Stress is the leading cause of many illnesses due to its impact on the body and brain and increasing inflammation. Disease is caused by chronic inflammation. Do you see the connection? Taking time to relax and practice self-care encourages a healthy relationship with ourselves and gives us a reason to relax and let go of the daily stressors life throws at us. Self-care is unique to each person. You don’t have to throw on a face mask and run a bubble bath if that’s not your thing. Maybe it’s listening to your favorite song, watching your favorite movie, going for a walk, or even watching the sunset. It can look different for everyone, and we need to prioritize our own version.


Maximize your mental health

Our mental health is just as if not more important than our physical wellbeing. They truly go hand in hand, and thankfully, we are slowly but surely reducing the stigma against mental health. Prioritizing and taking care of your mental health is vital for overall wellness. Quality nutrition, stress reduction, emotional wellbeing, and self-care are critical aspects of our mental wellbeing. Don’t be afraid to seek help. Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist and support your brain.


Support your gut health

Our gut microbiome is the starting point for practically all areas of health. It impacts our brain health, emotional health, cardiovascular and immune functions, digestion, and much more. By supporting a healthy gut microbiome, we allow for better absorption of nutrients, proper hormone release, increased energy and performance, and decreased disease and illness. Microbiomes are complex, and a lot goes into gut-healthy starting from the time you were born. 3 ways to ensure you support your gut include taking probiotics or eating probiotic food daily, increasing your intake of fibrous prebiotics (asparagus, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, leeks, green bananas), and limiting consumption of alcohol, inflammatory oils, and refined sugar.


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