Fiber: the secret ingredient to a healthy weight, balanced hormones, and a happy gut

Did you know that fiber is one of the simplest and most effective ways to support your health & wellness goals?

Unfortunately, fiber doesn’t get enough attention because, well… it’s pretty basic. However, according to a study conducted by The National Library of Medicine, 95% of Americans are fiber deficient, even though fiber is responsible for everything from balancing blood sugar, preventing over eating, balancing hormones, and supporting a healthy gut. Why, then, are we not talking more about this key nutrient when it comes to our wellness routine?

With so many people being deficient in fiber, it’s really no wonder that there’s an epidemic of chronic gut & weight issues. Unfortunately, whenever people embark on a wellness journey, they often forget about this simple (yet profound) tool. So many women I work with have turned to strict diets, expensive gut health supplements, and intense detox methods without looking at how much fiber is in their daily diet. So whether you’ve been struggling to reach your weight loss goals, dealing with uncomfortable gut issues, or experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, fiber could very well be the missing piece.

In this post, we’ll explore the importance of fiber in more detail, and I’ll share 10 foolproof ways to make sure you’re reaping all the benefits of this amazing nutrient.

But first…

What is fiber, and where can I find it?

Fiber is a subset of carbohydrates that, put simply, the body can’t really break down. This is actually a GOOD thing, as it slows the absorption of sugar into the body. Without fiber, sugar gets absorbed too quickly, and it causes a spike in insulin. When insulin spikes, sugar gets stored into the body as fat. Insulin spikes also wreak havoc on your gut over a long period of time, so slowing down the absorption of sugar (via fiber) helps the body digest food more effectively. In plain english, fiber is fabulous for your digestive system & maintaining a healthy weight.

Fiber is mainly found in legumes, whole grains, fruits and veggies. The more fiber you have in your meal, the more full & satiated you will feel - you’ll be less likely to over eat, and your gut will be happy.

You can find fiber in foods such as…

  • Fruits like raspberries, blueberries, apples and avocados

  • Vegetables like carrots, beets, broccoli and brussels sprouts

  • Beans & legumes: black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, lentils

  • Whole grains like quinoa, farro, brown rice, and bulgur

  • Nuts and seeds

My favorite fiber rich foods are:

  1. Apples

  2. Bananas

  3. Avocados

  4. Quinoa

  5. Whole grain pasta (if your gut can handle gluten)

  6. Whole grain or sourdough bread (if your gut can handle gluten)

  7. Carrots

  8. Raspberries

  9. Blueberries

  10. Blackberries

  11. Chia seeds

  12. Flax seeds

  13. Kidney beans

  14. Lentils

  15. Chickpeas

The magic of fiber

Not only does fiber help us fight off disease and promote longevity, but it also supports a healthy weight, healthy digestion, balanced hormones, and natural cleansing of toxins. These are all topics that I am very passionate about, and fiber does it all!

Basically, fiber is the queen of nutrition, and she deserves some attention in your wellness routine.

Here are just a few of the many benefits fiber can offer:

  • Healthy weight maintenance/weight loss

  • Eases constipation, bloating and IBS symptoms

  • Naturally cleanses & detoxifies the GI tract

  • Decreases risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer

  • Feeds healthy gut bacteria and supports a diverse gut microbiome

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Balances blood sugar

  • Supports healthy, balanced hormones

  • Supports adrenals and healthy energy levels

Signs you may need more fiber in your diet

If you aren’t sure whether or not you’re getting enough fiber in your diet, here’s a few key symptoms that might tell you something is off:

  • Feeling abnormally bloated after meals

  • Feeling hungry all the time

  • The 2pm crash

  • Not pooping enough (you should be pooping at least 1x per day!)

  • Pebbly, hard stools

  • Loose stools

  • Stomach pain

  • Struggling to release excess weight

  • Brain fog

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Skin issues

  • Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis or rosacea

  • Achey joints

  • Poor sleep

  • Headaches/migraines

… and these are just to name a few!

10 foolproof ways to make sure you’re getting enough fiber

Increasing fiber is actually very simple if you know what to look for! Here are 10 ways you can make sure you have a healthy amount of fiber in your diet.

  1. Add a serving of fruit or colorful veggies to your meal: Whenever I have protein, I like to add a bed of sauteed kale or leafy greens with lemon & garlic.

  2. Embrace avocado: Avocados are one of the most high fiber foods at 7g per serving! By simply adding a scoop of avocado to your sandwich, salad or wrap, you’ll have already accomplished 30% of your daily fiber needs.

  3. Start your day with oats: oatmeal is super rich in fiber and will keep you full and satisfied all morning long! I love making a more nutritious version of childhood favorites like peaches and cream or brown sugar & cinnamon.

  4. Make a big pot of chili: legumes are rich in both fiber and protein, but sometimes they can be quite bland on their own! Adding them to your favorite soup recipe, or enjoying a big bowl of chili, are great ways to reap the benefits of legumes in your diet.

  5. Roast some chickpeas in the oven: drain a can of chickpeas, pat them dry, season & bake. The perfect crunchy snack! I love this recipe by Love & Lemons as a base, but you can add any spices that you like!

  6. Add 2 tbsp of chia seeds to your smoothie: chia seeds are very supportive for gut health, not just because of their fiber content, but also because of their mucilaginous texture which is SO healing & soothing for a sensitive gut.

  7. Enjoy hummus or white bean dip with your crackers: pairing pretzels or chips with a high fiber dip will ensure that you feel full and satiated until your next meal. Not only will this add fiber to your snack, but also fat & protein, which regulates blood sugar and supports hormone health. Triple threat!

  8. Opt for whole grain instead of white: whether it’s bread, pasta or rice, go for the brown stuff! White pastas and breads are stripped of their nutritional value and contribute to blood sugar spikes, so simply switching from white to whole grain will ensure that your daily fiber targets are met AND you’re supporting your gut & hormones by keeping insulin at bay.

How much fiber should I be getting?

The recommended amount of fiber is 25-30g per day for women, but even 20g is a great goal to start! Most people are only getting 10-15g per day. As an example of what 25-30g could look like: you could have 1 cup cooked oats with 1 cup of raspberries and 1 tbsp chia for breakfast, 1/2 avocado as a topping with lunch, and 1 cup cooked quinoa as your side with dinner.

I hope this guide helped you unlock a simple (but powerful!) tool for optimizing your gut, balancing your hormones, eliminating toxins and feeling good in your body while you work towards your health & wellness goals. If you’re struggling to balance nutrition and need a helping hand, I’m here! Book a call with me to learn more about 1:1 wellness coaching.


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