Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus Mind/Body Living Hannah Loftus

Natural ways to support your immune system this season

Getting sick often also makes it difficult to stay on track with healthy habits. To help you feel your best over the next few months, I put together a list of my favorite ways to boost immunity naturally. In this blog post, we will explore natural strategies to help you replenish your immune system and reduce your susceptibility to common colds, flu, and other seasonal illnesses.

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Hannah Loftus Hannah Loftus

How to live in tune with the seasons: benefits of seasonal living

Everything in nature has a cycle, and human beings are no exception. Our sleep, hormones, menstrual cycle, digestion, and even our daily routines all flow in a cyclical rhythm. It seems that we all operate best when we have periods of high exertion followed by periods of rest and replenishment. Here are the best ways to shift your cycle with the season.

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Mind/Body Living, Food Hannah Loftus Mind/Body Living, Food Hannah Loftus

My top tips to fight inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process - it’s our body’s way of protecting against injury, infection, or harmful invaders. Inflammation serves as a temporary defense mechanism, aiding in the healing and recovery of our body when we are wounded or sick. However, when inflammation becomes an ongoing issue, it can have downstream effects on our health and is often the culprit behind hard-to-pinpoint symptoms. Here are my top tips for fighting inflammation.

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Mindfulness Alex Shearer Mindfulness Alex Shearer

A guide to non-toxic living + my go-to natural lifestyle products

If you have doubts about how realistic natural living actually is, allow me to light the way for you. I’ve trial-and-errored my way through so many natural products and holistic practices so that you don’t have to, and this guide will make transitioning to a natural lifestyle not only easy, but enjoyable, too.

First, let’s take a look at what it actually means to live a non-toxic, natural lifestyle.

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Mindfulness, Food Hannah Loftus Mindfulness, Food Hannah Loftus

10 tips to manage sugar cravings

“How do I manage my sugar cravings?” This is one of the most common questions I get from my clients. Even though cravings are super common, they are equally mysterious and sometimes frustrating to experience. You can’t always pinpoint where a sugar craving will come from or when it’s going to strike, making it difficult to understand how to best deal with sugar cravings.

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Travel, Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Alex Shearer Travel, Mindfulness, Mind/Body Living Alex Shearer

Wellness Weekend Getaway at the Iconic Arizona Biltmore

As much as we all desire (and sometimes require) a two-week-long retreat or escaping off to a hidden oasis, it’s not always possible or practical. But taking time for yourself, getting outside of your normal routine, and experiencing a new setting is so important for our well-being. So consider this your sign to take a little weekend getaway at the amazing Arizona Biltmore.

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Sleep, Mindfulness Hannah Loftus Sleep, Mindfulness Hannah Loftus

4 Natural Ways to Sleep Better

Our health is nothing without sleep. And unfortunately, most people in our culture are in a state of ‘sleep debt,’ which refers to being a chronic state of sleep deficiency that, if left unmanaged, can seriously impact your health. In this post, I’m going to provide simple (but effective) tips to get your much-needed ZZZ’s back on track, because the truth is, good sleep is the foundation for good health, and you deserve to feel rested and replenished.

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Travel Alex Shearer Travel Alex Shearer

Turks & Caicos - Providenciales Travel Guide

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the Turks and Caicos Islands have seen increased popularity lately. And for good reason. The Turks and Caicos are the epitome of elevated island vibes. Stay at lovely resorts then stroll along the white sand beach to casual island restaurants. It’s a perfect spot for a honeymoon or a family vacation.

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